I am currently a part time college student and a lot of people my age are either full time or part time college students. I graduated high school in 2010 and immediately started college and of course college has never been cheap but it was cheaper than today. We need to take in consideration that every year college is just getting more expensive to afford. Lets just imagine that when we have children and it gets time for them to go to college it will be maybe triple as much as what we are paying now. a lot of us does not go to college not because we don't want to but we cannot afford to pay for our education. Before it was easy to get a job with a high school diploma now days we need to have some type of college to be at least okay or well qualified. A couple of months ago my mom was saying that her boss had to go back to college to get a Masters degree because her Bachelors was not enough in order for her to keep her job. Lets keep in mind that she already had her job before that was a requirement for the position in her company imagine for us that we still working inn our Bachelors what luck are we going to have and it does not stop there what are our kids going to need in order to have a decent life.
If we take a look at The White House website and click in education it has some ideas of how to reduce the cost of education. Its very interesting that it mentions how people being rank over middle class have plans on continuing a higher education than the less class. Its obvious why is easier for them to decide on going to college and that is because they don't have to worry about money wise when we have students with less resources that are not to sure about keep going. Lets keep in mind that is not because they don't want to continue with an education but its because they don't have a way of going, yes there's also scholarships that they can get but the question is, Is that enough? There are a lot of excellent students that don't get what they deserve in scholarships and some times that stops them from going to school because they have to work full time to try to pay for their education. I guess the question is What can we do to help the situation? One of President Obama solutions is lowering the interest in the school loans that students take out, in my honest opinion I don't think that will be enough because college will keep going on. One thing that I do know is that we need to do something soon before the situation gets worse and it affect our economy even more.
Yes, I agree with Veronica that college is getting more and more expensive. I see it that if kids are graduating they should be rewarded with college, but yet more and more kids aren't going like veronica said not because we don't want to but because we cant afford it. Also because school is so much kids are having an enormous amount of student debt when they get out of school. It's like we go to school to pay off school debt once we are out all the money we make goes to paying off debt. I think there should be a change and college should be more affordable for the kids that put in the work to get there.
I totally agree with your article and find myself in a similar situation where I’ve had to work full time to pay for college and even skip out on a couple semesters because the funds were not quite there. The steady increase in tuition is definitely not helping, and things won’t get any better unless some change is made. I want believe that a Master’s degree is not going to be the requirement to make a decent living in the United States, but I do see where you’re coming from in that more and more occupations are requiring higher levels of education to for work. I feel that even a Bachelor’s degree will not fail to propel people into the middle class, however, and after obtaining one, continuing education may not be as much of a struggle.
There are scholarships and government aid programs to help students, but I’m not confident that this is enough. In fact, I think there are likely cases in which some students receive a little too much aid that goes toward things that are not school related. One of our peers actually wrote an article recently that suggests an alternative that may help make education more affordable for everyone, “Free Education in America(http://governmentaccnrg.blogspot.com/2014/12/free-education-in-america.html),” check it out, it may interest you!
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