Wednesday, December 10, 2014

James Middlebrooks Right to Bear Arms

 I agree that we should have the right to bear arms but in James Middlebrooks article he should of explain to the ones that don't know what the right to bear arms mean. He should of broke it down a little bit just so we could have a better understanding or at least just know the basics about it. Although he does have good point like that is part of the constitution and that we have the right to protect ourselves. He makes good points when he mentions about certain people misusing the guns and not taking them seriously. Us as citizens we are trying to use them just for our protection and our loved ones in case of an emergency of course the legal way. When others will get a hold of the gun regardless if its the right legal way or not and believe me if they don't care if that's the right way that means they are not going to use it in a safe way.

His topic was a good one for conversation because a lot of us are interested in that specially because of the safety that our families deserve. However I do think that they should be more laws concerning about the right to bear arms because people are starting to take advantage of that. We should have more qualifications in order to bear arms. Things like checking background to make sure that there's no criminal things that we should be worry about. Also they should take a class about how to use a gun

Monday, November 24, 2014

Education Is Important, But Can We All Afford It?

      I am currently a part time college student and a lot of people my age are either full time or part time college students. I graduated high school in 2010 and immediately started college and of course college has never been cheap but it was cheaper than today. We need to take in consideration that every year college is just getting more expensive to afford. Lets just imagine that when we have children and it gets time for them to go to college it will be maybe triple as much as what we are paying now. a lot of us does not go to college not because we don't want to but we cannot afford to pay for our education. Before it was easy to get a job with a high school diploma now days we need to have some type of college to be at least okay or well qualified. A couple of months ago my mom was saying that her boss had to go back to college to get a Masters degree because her Bachelors was not enough in order for her to keep her job. Lets keep in mind that she already had her job before that was a requirement for the position in her company imagine for us that we still working inn our Bachelors what luck are we going to have and it does not stop there what are our kids going to need in order to have a decent life.
      If we take a look at The White House website and click in education it has some ideas of how to reduce the cost of education. Its very interesting that it mentions how people being rank over middle class have plans on continuing a higher education than the less class. Its obvious why is easier for them to decide on going to college and that is because they don't have to worry about money wise when we have students with less resources that are not to sure about keep going. Lets keep in mind that is not because they don't want to continue with an education but its because they don't have a way of going, yes there's also scholarships that they can get but the question is, Is that enough? There are a lot of excellent students that don't get what they deserve in scholarships and some times that stops them from going to school because they have to work full time to try to pay for their education. I guess the question is What can we do to help the situation? One of President Obama solutions is lowering the interest in the school loans that students take out, in my honest opinion I don't think that will be enough because college will keep going on. One thing that I do know is that we need to do something soon before the situation gets worse and it affect our economy even more.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Legalization of Marijuana By James Middlebrooks

     After reading my classmate's James Middlebrooks blog I found some very informative and interesting facts about the legalization of marijuana. Before reading his article I was completely against legalization of marijuana and now I started to doubt a little bit about my decision. It's not to the point that I have changed my mind about the subject but enough to question myself. By the article making me question my though about this issue to me it means that he did he's homework and research about this assignment.
     Although James supports this law to legalize it he also provides how it could it affects us which in opinion I thought it was great. He did a good letting us know what he was going to write about, the solution of how can it benefits us but also how can it affects us. Also mentioning where he got he's information from and he also provide us with examples to back-up he's decision on legalizing marijuana. Overall James completed the assignment letting us about an issue, giving us details and a way to resolve it not counting with me learning something new.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

President Obama Plan Agains Gun Violence

      Its been a couple of years now since President Obama talked about his plan to prevent "Gun Violence." I personally think that his plan is good to start off with but needs to be more aggressive and maybe that way we can prevent more gun shootings in schools and places in general. One of is goals was for schools to be more safe but I think the plan is turning out as well. There has been more than 40 school shooting since 2011, 40 is a big number almost averaging to have a school shooting every month. Now remember we are just talking about school shooting we are not counting other shooting in general meaning that one school shooting per month sounds crazy.
      I'm sure that parents are the most concerned about but there's also people like me that are not parents and go to school and have our loved ones that go to school. The most recent school shooting that we heard about was about Washington State high school that occur this past Friday. Taking the lives of three 14-year old kids including the shooter and leaving three students hospitalized. In this particular shooting the targets were students close to the shooter two of them being his cousins and the other three close friends. A article about the shooting in CNN it lets us know that the shooter had txt all five victims to the same lunch table making us think that he had a plan about how he was going to shot at them. It's sad to hear about this type of news like in this case taking away three lives, and leaving two in critical condition and one progressing. By the teenaged student having a gun in school campus meaning that the schools are still not safe and that President Obama's plan about stopping gun violence need to be addressed more carefully to find ways of preventing this type of events.
      After reading an article in the website Great Schools titled "How can we stop gun violence?" it made me realize that one way of avoiding gun violence in schools could be having a class in school that has information about violence. Teaching students how to talk about their problems and knowing how to "control their emotions". Starting by teaching students since elementary school having a 30-1 hour information talk about violence, then in middle school taking one class per semester. In High School making the class as a requirement in order to graduate from high school having taken at least two semester of this program. I know that having this program and talking to students since elementary might sound a little crazy but I think its a good idea to start teaching them the basic from a younger age that way they get the idea and be more familiar with.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

President Obama Confident About Ebola Disease Not Spreading

           In the article "Obama: 'I Hugged and Kissed' nurses treating Ebola Patients in Atlanta" by Arthur Delaney in The Huffington Post It lets us know about the confidence that President Obama has in the Ebola disease not spreading. President Obama said that he hugged and kisses nurses in Atlanta that care for Ebola patients without no concern of getting infected because of the right precautious that they are taking. He says that if we take the right precautions the chances of the disease spreading are very low, and for the nurses caring for infected patients need to wear the protected gear and follow the protocols the right way we can control the disease easily. Patients that have the disease need to be isolated and us need to follow instructions that are very easy to follow. Since we are not used to this type of disease its hard to follow them because we don't practice them as often.
           The author doesn't not seem very convince about what President Obama believe because he mentions about the 8,000 people that have died in West Africa. When he mention that I feel like he is saying if  it was easy to control than why have so many people died in Africa because of it. In this case both the Author and Obama have a point. For President Obama is like he said in Atlanta they took the right precautions and three Americans that got infected with the disease were treating successfully without spreading it to nobody else. Then like the author mentions about the people who have died in west Africa its true if it was so easy to control it not as many people would of have died from it. I mean now days we don't know who has what and its very much easy to spread something around without that person knowing that they are infected.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

China Govermnet VS. Hong Kong Residents

In the article "China's Crackdown in Hong Kong" by The Editorial Board in opinion section of The New York Times it makes their argument that if China had followed their agreement before taking Britain control of Hong Kong all of the street protest could of have been avoided. The Pro-Democratic residents from Hong Kong are upset that China is trying to control every move that they make without fallowing their agreement. It has gotten to a point where Police officer have to use major techniques to try to control this residents. China government has shown no mercy against the protest and so far it is unknown how far they are willing to go. It also let us know that the US and the Britain government were what we called witness of this agreement and their part was to make sure that China would followed what it was agree but know either of them seem to show any interest in making sure of it. Now the China government its worry and putting energy and effort to stop the riot in Hong Kong but if they only had followed the agreement all of this could of had been avoided. Overall I think the article does a good job in making clear their point of  view and argument and it backs it up with examples and logic statements that make sense. Its not confusing its easy to understand and know what they are talking about without having any type of background of the article topic. It is a convincing article for the people that are in government and specially the ones in China and Hong Kong. I would say that I agree with the author of the article because it does a good job convincing me that what China is doing is wrong and that  it could of had been avoided. Its sad that Hong Kong has to go through this and that China is not stopping by anything. I feel like if they had an agreement it should of had been followed because to me that is like having honor in what you say you will do.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

No More Ground War in Iraq

In the article "Obama Doubles Down: No 'Ground War In Iraq" by Mary Bruce talks about the speech that President Obama gave to troops in Florida about no more ground war in Iraq. The article found in ABC News website let us know that Mr. Obama is not happy with the result that ground war has leave us with. Now he wants to try without the violence and see what will be the outcome of that. There are some members that don't agree with the president and think that the ground war should still be an option. Although not everybody agrees the President says that this will be the only solution that will be successful. I found the article interesting to read because there are a lot of families that are worry every day about family member that are fighting in war. Especially knowing that this war has been going on for a while and its still going on without a sign of stopping soon. We also have to see that maybe the strategy for this war could help us later on in the future and if ground war hasn't work we should try something new and wait for the results.